Guy’s Hospital and King’s College, London

Client Challenges

Both Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London have been building commercial relationships with businesses that collaborate with them at the Guy’s Hospital Campus and building their infrastructure to support ever growing spin-out business activity. Creative Places were asked to help them consider a strategy for delivering significant space at the campus, over time, where surplus property to allocate to this is likely to be very limited.


Our Solutions

We looked creatively at the emerging SC1 initiative being promoted by Southwark and Lambeth Borough Councils, working with the Kings Health Partners organisations and the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation. We guided on options and recommended a pathway to realisation, working with partners in the most productive way possible.



The Hospital and the University are exploring delivering space for SMEs close to the hospital on University property whilst at the same time the Foundation is working to build ambition for development at its key landholdings close by, to be developed in a way that is likely to deliver a significant uptick in healthcare innovation and enterprise in the vicinity of Guy’s Hospital.